
Qualified Investor Fund with an average appreciation of 10%* per annum

Investment strategy

By investing in the real estate market, primarily in the Czech Republic, we target above-standard appreciation of invested funds. Within five years, an investor can achieve up to 60% appreciation of the share they invest in InveStone Funds SICAV a.s.

The fund invests in residential and commercial real estate at various stages of development, as well as in already-completed projects. It develops rental housing projects, which it then sells to specialized investors upon completion. It also purchases residential properties in early stages of construction, and occasionally invests in future projects that require changes to zoning plans

The fund's investments can additionally be focused on projects in selected countries of the European Union. Those who, for any reason, need funds before reaching the optimal five-year investment horizon, have the option of transferring their investment shares to another entity (after the approval of the Investment Company) or they can redeem the investment shares. However, this redemption may be subject to an exit fee (see the statute for more information). It offers investors who will participate in residential construction with significant deposits the possibility of buying apartments in pre-sale, i.e., much before the apartments are introduced to the retail market.

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Are you weighing up investing in an apartment directly vs. through an investment fund?

The estimated return is subject to investment risk. Although the forecasts are based on reasonable assumptions and take into account various real estate market scenarios, they may not always be a reliable indicator of the future performance of the Fund and are therefore not a guaranteed future return.

Why invest in the InveStone fund?

Above standard yield

the real Above-average return on investment shares of 13,68% per 2022

After 3 years

Option to withdraw after three years or to transfer shares to another person at any time


Option of redemption investment shares at any time during the duration of investment

Income from shares

After just three years, income from fund shares is exempt from income tax

An investor wishing to enter into the InveStone fund may only do so if they are a qualified investor, as prescribed by Czech law § 296 and § 272 of the ZISIF Act. The requirements to be considered a qualified investor include, inter alia, a minimum deposit of CZK 1,000,000.

Management introducing


“We are contributing existing projects that are underway, and our own cash, into InveStone, and we are opening up the possibility for you to add your funds to our own. Our founders’ deposits will only ever appreciate in value once the fund has achieved a return of at least 5% per annum – whereas your deposits will appreciate from the very beginning. So come and join us!”


– the InveStone founders

Supervisory board of the fund

InveStone Funds SICAV a.s., a fund for qualified investors, was founded with the clear vision - to invest in real projects that can be touched. nveStone Funds SICAV Inc. brings investment opportunities in real estate that offer attractive yields and are not speculative.

Over two decades, all founders successfully invested in a number of real estate projects. As developers, they have designed and built multiple residential properties with their companies. They have gained experience in interior design and retail sales. They have been involved in the development, leasing and management of residential homes and commercial space. Now they want to turn that experience into superior appreciation on the investments you entrust to the fund – up to 60% over five years.


Martin Král


Originally trained as an actuary and economist, Martin Král has been in the real estate business for nearly two decades. In his companies, he acts as co-investor and developer, responsible for project management, covering architect, designer and general contractor tendering to bank financing, lease management, financial and the coordination of all subcontractors.


Karel Slavíček


Karel Slavíček has been involved in real estate market for the last twenty-five years. His domain of expertise is land development and residential construction. His company, EDIFICE Construction and Consulting, specializes in managing real estate projects from the position of an investor.

Project portfolio

InveStone thinks about your financial future

You invest together

with the founders of the fund, who put up their own money


Starting with a CZK 5 million investment, you get the right of first refusal to buy an apartment in the fund’s projects


Invest in properties that have lasting value

Above standard appreciation

of up to 60% in five years

An investor wishing to enter into the InveStone fund may only do so if they are a qualified investor, as prescribed by Czech law § 296 and § 272 of the ZISIF Act.
The requirements to be considered a qualified investor include, inter alia, a minimum deposit of CZK 1,000,000.

They have written about us

Professional wealth management

Manager and administrator

Investone SICAV a.s.

Sokolovská 675/9 186 00 Praha 8 – Karlín

IČO 17215528

Folllow us

*This document serves only for the purpose of providing information and promoting our services. It is not an invitation or offer to invest, nor does it provide investment advice or recommendations. Whenever the term 'Fund' is used in combination with a verb, it refers to 'Investone SICAV a.s.', and an investment in the 'Fund' implies an investment in the shares of the 'Subfund'. Before deciding to invest, you should read and understand the statute of the Fund (Subfund). The return on investment is not guaranteed. Please be aware that the value of securities fluctuates over time, and the past performance of the Fund (Subfund) does not guarantee or predict future results. Investing in the Fund (subfund) carries specific risks, which are outlined in the Fund's (Subfund's) statute. The tax implications of investing in the Fund (Subfund) are determined by law and may change due to legislative amendments. The content presented on this website does not constitute an offer or acceptance of a contract, its amendment, or a promise of a reward. The use of Section 2884 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, pertaining to 'Obligations arising from a juridical act of a single person', is expressly excluded. Detailed information can be found in the Statute of the Fund (Subfund) and the Key Information Document (KID). To obtain these documents, please contact the Fund Manager and Administrator. The information on this website may not be copied, distributed, or forwarded, in whole or in part, to any other party without prior written permission from the statutory body of the Fund.

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